Microsoft Complaints Continued... (Page 11)
521+ reviews added so far. Upset? Call Microsoft corporate: 1-425-882-8080
I recieved an email under Hotmail Windows Live Customer Care Dept that stated my email account will be shut down in 24hrs unless i sent all info including password. This is the 2nd such scam just 2 weeks a go I guess they call it spoofing someone got hold of a lot of my hotmail email addresses and sent everyone something as if it was me but with nothing in the subject box. I was going to cancel my email account but a few friends who also experienced the same said to change password and to do it often to avoid this in the future. It is very hard to verify info that looks like it came from windows and hotmail.
There sould be a better way to find out if these things are scams or not. I’ really am ready to leave hotmail.

I just downloaded Microsoft IE9 yesterday for Windows 7 and while, I haven’t really had time to investigate what’s supposed to be new, I did find that my favorites list was gone! Do you have ANY idea how long it too me to find all the websites I use regularly and to find them wiped out in one simple download. You would think that such computer intelligence would seek the fix problems and not undo what’s not a problem, but with Microsoft I guess IE9 is just another inconvenient high tech gadget. Can anyone tell me how to get my favorites list back with IE9? I’m desperate and it will take months to recover all these on my own. Thanks!

I am sick and tired of using the computer to try to get my email accout restored. Hotmail has no one that can talk to me. I need a phone number to call. I want a person not a machine. I’m very upset. I’ve been working on this since the 4th of April. I’m mad and upset that all my account information is lost because I can not get the account restored. I’ve had my account for years and some of the validation information has changed and I don’t remember it all. I’ve tried everything but I can’t get any attention. I’m not comfortable with machines. Where in this great company of hotmail is someone who can help me! I can’t deal with a computer or emails I need a person I can talk to! What can do? Help me!!!!

I downloaded Internet Exployer 9 to my Windows Vista system and spent the next day and my money to iyogi to get my system back to where I could use it. I am now back to Internet Expoyer 7 and it is working fine. Microsoft should notify subscribers that use Vista that this problem exists with Internet Explorer 9, and that they shouldn’t download or install it. I did not expect to have these kinds of problems with the new version, and certainly thought they would push out an update that would fix these bugs. After all this is supposed to be their saving grace after IE6 and other less than stellar browsers they’ve released over the years.

I would like to file a complaint on xFallenAngels97, a rude foul mouthed kid who plays xbox live online. Me and my son enjoy playing cod zombies together, and have played many games and have encountered a few foul mouths playing online lately. By far this KID was by far the worst we have heard, constantly cursing around. I tried to tell him to watch the language but that just made everything worse. I am sure if someone were to monitor this kid, you would ban him for life. This is my only complaint since having an xbox for 6 plus years, and can only hope Microsoft can rid him from xbox live for all the younger kids sake. Thank you.

Respected sir i got following e-mail all-ready i submitted my personal details, please help me. “The consolation prize of the Microsoft Corporation email draw held today at the Microsoft Head Quarter in UK, your email address emerge a winner of 650, 000.00 British Pounds Sterling for being a regular webmail user. Further more your details e-mail address was selected among other 22 email addresses in our representative office in London, UK. For claim of prize you are to contact our 2010 fudiciary agent with the details below.” How do I know if this is a scam or not? I am a regular webmail user but did not enter this Microsoft drawing, rather the prize money would be a good thing for me. It seems to me asking for personal info is red flag.

I am a hotmail user since 2000.I am very much satisfied with your service.I got lot of important documents in my file.Unfortunately my account is not opening since 2-3 months. Kindly do the needful in order to activate my account. The message I keep getting in my hotmail account inbox is as follows. “Most junk comes from automated programs, which can’t solve puzzles like this. (Sorry we have to ask you to prove you’re a person.) Please enter all of the characters you see. That is too many characters. Please try again. The characters didn’t match the picture. Please try again. You’ve reached the limit for number of attempts. These limits help us protect against spam from automated programs. You can try again later.”

Well after several hours, and I mean hours on the phone with tech supervisors at Microsoft. I use that word loosely.. Since all they do is say someone will call back, and it I reference the tech. name. I get the response..they are not in charge of this person. (must be a great job career) Hence, never do. Or if they do, they contradict what the previous tech has said or done to my system. Long short, I have to say, they do not know what they are doing nor know how to correct a problem. Emailed Microsoft complaint department. Interesting to see if they call back.
I feel 100% good with my feelings if they see my history with the my tech #. they will be able to verify the amount of time I have spent. All I ask is, if they cannot fix the duplicating emails with outlook, let me know. I”ll move on…At a dead end with Microsoft…..

I called the Microsoft Activation line to Downgrade windows 7 to XP. I told the guy from India that i wanted to downgrade win 7 to XP so he asked for my installation id which i read to him. Then the guy gave me the numbers to downgrade finally. When i was done it was not downgraded and so i asked him why it was not downgraded, then he hung up on me. That was Very RUDE and i don’t appreciate it one bit. What happens when a company like Microsoft outsources their customer service to India and they can’t even respond to basic questions!

My Hotmail has been down for 2 days – March 14 to March 15 and is still down at this moment. I have been unable to access my email and it has been hell trying to find a complaints department. Is this a widespread problem or is it local to Johannesburg, South Africa and is the problem being worked on? I need my Hotmail email account to communicate with others and I can’t believe this problem happened and they aren’t doing anything to address it in a timely fashion. Normally don’t file a complaint but this I will make an exception. What kind of promise do we have this won’t happen again sometime in the future, or that all of our Hotmail emails are going to be there when this thing is said and done!

I was informed this day that someone was using my email account ( to solicit fraudulent funds for a factious event in London England. They, acting as me, reported that I was mugged and I need funds for living expenses and return trip to the us.
I tried, several times, to enter my email account as was denied because an incorrect password – I guess this common thief has changed my password also. I am having trouble location a way to report this crime to Microsoft and especially have my email account either closed or monitored in some way. Any suggestions? You can reach me at

My son’s XBox Live account was suspended indefinitely. The suspension was legitimate based on a mistake that he made; however, it isn’t the suspension that irks me — it is the process that they have for trying to obtain information about a suspension. You cannot speak to anyone directly; instead, you have to log into the Xbox website and submit your inquiry via a public forum. You have to create a completely NEW account to complain about an existing account. I find my entire dealing w/their support team to be appalling. As of tomorrow we will be dumping our Xbox console and purchasing a brand new PS3. I don’t mind spending $400.00 if it means I never have to deal w/the Xbox team again.

I went to the Microsoft Support web page to get help with an update that wiped out my second monitor and totally screwed up my primary monitor. After dealing with a level 1 person who didn’t really help at all, I had to wait for a “technician” to call me. They called and spoke to me as if I was a complete novice using a Windows PC. Then they told me that “many softwares do damage to the computer registry in Windows”. They wanted to get control of my PC and fix the registry. They said there would be a one-time charge for the first year of support by iyogi of $169.99!!! Makes me wonder why I would pay for fixing problems caused by changes made by Microsoft. Dealing with people who do not speak English all that well can be very trying.

Prior to the purchase of Mac Office 2008 back in August 2010, I was informed of a “Technology Guarantee” that would allow me a free upgrade to their soon to be released 2011 version. It was very kind of them to save me the expense of having to purchase the latest version which was eventually released toward the end of October. However, the notification was only through the software resellers web sit, no physical documentation accompanied the product that shipped. I ASSUMED that upon registration of the product, Microsoft would inform me of the release of new version and how to redeem the upgrade.
So, after waiting until January, I attempted to contact Microsoft for the upgrade. Their web portal stated that the program redemption period closed on December 31, 2010! I contacted customer service and had the runaround with four reps: Olga Tshorman, Sergei Pozdeev, Kati Roostar and Mark Taylor. Not only were they NOT able to enable my upgrade, but claimed that (1) the software reseller was responsible and (2) the upgrade was a “upgrade campaign as a gesture of goodwill” to their customers. What a load of CRAP, one reason I bothered to buy the S/W was because of the “Guarantee”.

Received email from Microsoft Corporation to contact Mr James Lewis by email at to send details (name, sex, ph. number, age, occupation and country) so payment of 500, 000.00 pounds could be processed, and sent to me. Batch number: 01/17/0340. Reff Number: Ref:MSN-L/200-260937 Winning Number: YM09788. Name on bottom of email is Mrs Felicia Roberts, and it is said to have been sent from Microsoft. This appears to be a scam but it has all the right pieces to seem legit? Anybody else seen this Microsoft corporation winning emails?

I was checking my MSN hotmail account this morning for email, when I saw this final account alert email about shutting down my account. They said if I don’t respond then I will get my account suspended within 48 hours. They wanted all my personal information and threatened removal of the account unless I confirmed the email account is still active. This is a compete scam and I get tired of stuff like this in my hotmail email inbox. Come on Windows Live Team get this together! The hotmail scam email is below…
Dear Valued Member,
Account Alert Final Notice
Due to the congestion in our Hotmail servers, there would be removal of all unused Hotmail Accounts. You will have to confirm if your E-mail is still active by filling out your login info below after clicking the reply button, or your account will be suspended within 48 hours for security reasons.
Full Name:………………..
User name:………………..
Password:…………………. ..
Alternate email address………….. ……..
Date of Birth:…………………
State:……….. ……
After updating your account information, your account will not be interrupted and will continue to work as normal. Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Account owner that refuses to update his or her account before two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.
Thank you for using Hotmail !
Warning Code: VX2G99AAJ
Copyright © 2011 Hotmail ! Inc. All rights reserved.
*Not all viruses can be detected and cleaned. Please be aware that there is a risk involved whenever downloading email attachments to your computer or sending email attachments to others and that, as provided in the Terms of Service, neither Hotmail! nor its licensors are responsible for any damages caused by your decision to do so. Please reply to this message. This is a service email related to your use of Hotmail! Mail

I sold my xbox360 Last April, 2009. And have been charged by Microsoft for nearly 10 months since, and have canceled xBox Live over the phone and online twice now nearly 8 months ago! Is there anything you can do to fix this?! I have since called multiple times now and have been promised this would end. I have called my CC company and had them try to fight it, but have found little success. If there is any justice or a way to make this end other than changing my CC # only because of Microsoft, I would love some help. I can provide a screen shot of original email, and witnesses. I’m just not sure what else I can do, Microsoft xBox Live has stolen almost 240 dollars from me, and I want it back.

A few days ago i received this email “Dear Internet User! Microsoft Company have donated £1, 500, 000 Pounds to you and your family as a benefit”. This has to be a scam but I just wanted to post it up because I’m sure somebody will get taken by this before it’s all said and done. So if you get an email from Microsoft company or anybody else claiming to donate millions on your behalf don’t respond otherwise you won’t hear the end of it! I’m advising you of this occurence, for you information and followup if you should choose. Last week, and again today, I received a call from 999-910-0103.
The called was an East Indian male, who was quite difficult to understand, purporting to be from Microsoft in New York. He advised me that my computer was sending messages to Microsoft, and that there were errors on the computer which could cause it to malfunction. He had me check a few places on the computer, and then told me to go to this web site, push the button in the centre of the screen, and that would let microsoft fix the problem. I asked him why I should do that on just his word alone, and and that he could be just trying to scam me.
Then I hung up. I did a search on the internet, and found that several people had received a similar call.

I got banned today for 2 months from XBOX Live because I put my Bio line as “9/11 was an inside job” and “Google WTC 7″ in the new Call of Duty Black Ops Game. I called and they said they can do nothing because it has been done by the XBOX Live Enforcement department and that they can’t even contact them. The first guy on the phone didn’t even know a third building fell that day. I told him when he got home to google WTC 7. But what was cool was he put me through to the Accounts department and there was a nice lady that was a truther. We spoke for about 45 minutes about Building 7. It was awesome. I even had a nice 9/11 Emblem in my Black Ops player card. How dare they suspend my account for this?

During the recent LIVE dashboard update, our 360 stopped in the middle of loading which stopped the 360 from working at all; no games, no anything. I contacted the 1-800-4MY-XBOX telephone number. I was told by him that the only way to fix the problem was for me to download the update to my PC, then burn it to CDs, and then insert them into my 360. He said the problem was because the update was proving to be “full of holes and glitches” and the servers were “constantly crashing”. This will be the very last Microsoft gaming platform I allow in my house and I would warn other consumers against purchasing their products due to sub-par service and poorly tested updates.
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